Permission letter for publication of photos and videos taken during the show

Dear Parent/Guardian


Dino Encounters would like to request permission for photos of your child to be taken during the duration of our performance. We would also like permission to use video footage captured during the show. The footage we capture during our shows will be for the sole use of promotion and advertisement of Dino Encounters


By signing this Document, you are agreeing to the following:


  1. Dino Encounters may publish photos or videos of your child to self-promotional mediums including but not limited to, the Dino Encounters website and Facebook page.


  1. Your child’s photo may be reproduced in either colour or black and white.


  1. Dino encounters will not use photographic pictures nor video footage for any other Purpose other than that of the directly intended purpose of advertisement on behalf of Dino Encounters


Any Photographs or video footage taken by Dino Encounters will be Kept for no longer than is deemed necessary for the above for-mentioned purposes and will stored securely and disposed of securely.

Whilst Dino Encounters will take every precaution to protect the identity of your child we cannot guarantee that your child will not be able to be identified from the photograph or video we use.


If you give permission for Dino Encounters to use photographs and or videos of your child for the above-mentioned purposes then please sign below, this consent will remain in effect until you advice Dino Encounters otherwise.




Parent/Guardian name …………………………………………………………………


Childs name                      ……………………………………………………………..


Parent/ Guardian signature ………………………………………………………….//date……//……//…….//


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